Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Release 2010, We Need Your Ideas!

At last night's Movement meeting we decided to work with World Vision for Release 2010.  We will be bringing awareness to the campus about the thousands of kids orphaned by AIDS in Africa every day. 

But statistics aren't enough.  We need to bring students into an experience so that they understand and care about the crisis in Africa.  

What are your ideas and thoughts for how we can successfully put this event on for Release 2010?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Release 2010...

Last time it was individual, now it's communal:
What's your vote?  

1. Work with International Justice Mission again like we did in 2008 and free women and children from slavery in Southeast Asia

2.  Raise awareness and money for kids orphaned by the AIDS epidemic in Africa

3.  Or, do you have an idea of something globally world-changing with an established organization?

Monday, September 14, 2009

I Changed the World With 20 Dollars.

How did you use your 20 dollars to transform a life, renew the campus or change the world?  Post your story below!